Garden State= cute and funny
The Ice Storm= Fascinating. I have seen this a bunch of times.
Slacker (not Slackers)=This very unique and creative
The Usual Suspects= great suspense
Napoleon=Cult Hilarity...who doesn't love this movie?
Ghostworld = Very nice indie (and a young Scarlet Johanson who doesn't hold a candle to Thora Birch)
Requiem for a Dream = intense, very raw, painful study of different addictions
Fargo=Very good acting and cool plot (no pun intended)
They may not be everyone's cup of tea but I liked 'em
Requiem for a Dream!
That movie really fucked with my head, I feel sometimes I'm going to end up like Leto's mom in the movie, not a nice thought, but I sure love going there.
Usual Suspects is one of my all time favorites, love that movie. I call my husband Keyser Souse :) I didn't get Ice Storm. Maybe I need to watch it again. Just made me feel uncomfortable and sad.
Yeah, Ice Storm. Never cheat during bad weather.
Fargo was awesome. I liked the Usual Suspects, too. Chazz is mmm mmm good!
All GREAT picks bird!
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