Saturday, March 04, 2006

Red tailed Hawk

beautiful animal....He is so tough


Not-So-Naughty Voyeur said...

Pretty bird :) We have so many hawks around here. Not sure if they're red tailed, I'll catch one and let you know :) But they are huge and so graceful. We mainly spot them along the highway. I want to buy a remote control mouse just so I can watch one in action!! And I will someday! Or a remote control bunny? OH! Or that yapping dog that belongs to my Father-in-Law that is staying with us now!! He's only 4lbs.. I'm sure a hawk would chase him??? )

bird said...

Lol..a hawk might.

Some types of hawks eat other birds and some eat rodents,etc.

Have you seen the movie Pale Male?
It is so good, about a Hawk living in NYC.

Leo Tolstoy said...

Awesome!...We see hawks, falcons, and eagles all the time out here in the Pacific Northwest.....I had a falcon sitting on my bird bath last month, it was like he was just hanging out at the pool! Funny shite!.........
OMG! NaughtyV, you are just too fecking funny!! ....but be nice to the little doggie! ;)

bird said...

Ooooh Gen, how cool!
We have lots of hawks too but in the city you don't see them that often.
We have a small Cooper's hawk who tries to gobble up the birds at our feeder!
I bet that's what your falcon is doing...yum

Leo Tolstoy said...

You know it bird, I knew that was what he was waiting for....or he could have been mesmerized by his reflection in the Narcissus..... :)

bird said...

yes, so vain.

or maybe he wanted a spa day!

Leo Tolstoy said...

Hahaha birdy-bird!

joy said...

I imagine these birds to be very inteligent.