Friday, February 24, 2006

Ode to Cookie

This is my mom's beloved dog, Cookie.
She died this week . She was such a sweetie.

She was no bigger than 6 pounds.

My poor mom is so sad.


Leo Tolstoy said...

Awww, cute little Cookie! RIP you furry little cutie.

bird said...

Thanks Jane!


Not-So-Naughty Voyeur said...

Awwe, sorry about the puppy. I'm sure Cookie is in doggy heaven playing with all of our past beloved pets :) Chasing balls.. licking their butts... all that good stuff :) Was his tongue stuck like that? I ask because I recently saw a dog and his tongue was forever hanging out like that. The owner told me it was from removing a bunch of his bad teeth, he was old. And the tongue just didn't stay in anymore. Crazy. Thank God for dentists, I would hate for people to laugh at me!! :)

bird said...

OMG thanks Naughty.
And YES, her tounge did stick out all the time (it was hilarious).
And it was from having only a few teeth.
I can't believe you knew that.

Poor toothless Cookie.

Not-So-Naughty Voyeur said...

Well, the good thing about Cookie is that his tongue still looked normal. I think this other dog would walk around dragging his tongue or something. It looked like an old toy my son used to have, it was a sticky ball? I would stick to any surface you threw it at? But it ended up in the back yard and was covered in dirt. But, it was like pink with black dirty parts. Much like the doggy tongue I saw. I couldn't look at him for very long :)


bird said...

NV, you are soo f*ing funny.

Yes I know those sticky toys that stretch out and stick to stuff! And collect dirt and grime.

No, thank goodness, Cook's tounge wasn't that bad!

Not-So-Naughty Voyeur said...

Bird, for you I am going to post a photo of this ugly dog tomorrow. Seriously. He could have won ugly contests :)

bird said...

oh you have to!

Not-So-Naughty Voyeur said...

OK, posted it :) Going to bed now!! See you soon!!

LA said...

Oh bird, I'm so sorry. It's so heartbreaking when a pet dies. My thoughts are with your family, especially your mom. :(

joy said...

Oh no! Little Cookie! this is to much for me, I can't take it!
R.I.P. Little Cookie.

joy said...

What can you do to make your mom feel better? is there anything you can do? Is she thinking of adopting a new pet? If something happened to Chloe I would just walk the eath in shadows somewhere in arctic like Frankenstein, no joke I couldn't replace her, sometimes I can kind of understand taxidermi, but noooooooooo. I couldn't do that either. I guess all you can do is hug her and be a good little bird.

bird said...

oh Joy!
You are so sweet.
Mom is ok...she loooooooooves her animals and they keep her company since my dad died.
But she is a trooper.

She says she doesn't want another pet...yeah right!

She'll get one,,,I'm sure of it.

You ALL , are so nice...thanks for the good thoughts :)